Parsons School of Design, The New School, New York


Part Time Faculty

Global Issues in Design and Visibility in the 21st Century: Culture (Fall 2011, Spring 2012)

Impermanence may be the only permanent characteristic of the 21st century. People rarely live in just one place anymore. New urban landscapes are rapidly evolving in response to the tides of migration; at the same time, new geographies are mapped everyday on the internet. We have grown accustomed to buying products made in one place, manufactured in another, and sold everywhere. Goods, services, and images have become their own culture, transforming designers and artists into culture authors. How can we talk about these new cultures? Lectures by anthropologists, historians, and critics will establish a critical framework for case studies drawn from design and visual media. Students will discuss the issues raised, in light of both the course readings and their own studio practices, in their discussion sections.